Here at Southland, we gather for more than Sunday morning worship. We love seeing you any day of the week!
Southland Trip to Greece
Walk in the Footsteps of Paul
September 22nd - October 1st, 2025
Southland is currently planning a 10-Day trip to Greece for the opportunity to experience Walking in the Footsteps of Paul. The trip will occur September 22 - October 1, 2025 and will also offer a possible extension trip to Rome. Please click below to access the printable brochure or registration form for more information.
If you are ready to register NOW, then click the button below.
For any questions or need for additional information, please contact Shelley Parker.
I Am Not Ashamed - Romans Study
5:30 PM | Room 13
Facilitator: Pastor Steve Schellin
The book of Romans is considered by many to be one of the most important books ever written on the Christian faith. Writing to Christians, the apostle Paul defines the gospel, explores its depths, and discusses its significance and implications for the Christian life. Join us each week as we walk chapter by chapter through Paul's letter to the church in Rome. Discover the timeless relevance of the book of Romans and encounter the power of its gospel.
This class will be held on Sundays at 5:30 PM in Room 13. Childcare is available with registration.
Imagine The God Of Heaven Study
Women's Study
Begins Tuesday, January 28th
10:00 AM | Room 26
Lori Rifkind will lead us through Imagine The God Of Heaven study which will focus on commonalities of near death experiences, which led author, John Burke, to detail how people of all ethnicities experience the same loving God. This class will start Tuesday, January 28th at 10:00AM in Room 26. You will need the study guide, which can be purchased from the link below. Make sure you register for this class so that Lori can best prepare for you.
Men's Breakfast
Saturday, February 8th
7:30 AM | Youth Worship Center
We invite men of all ages to come to our monthly breakfast and Bible study. We enjoy a great time of fellowship while sharing a terrific meal. Throughout 2025, we will discover from God's Word what it looks like to be an authentic man. Invite a friend and we will see you on Saturday, February 8th at 7:30 AM in the Youth Worship Center.
Southland Blood Drive
Sunday, February 9th
8:30 AM - 12:45 PM | Youth Worship Center
Blood is an essential medicine that cannot be manufactured. Whether you are looking for a way to give back to our community or support a friend who is fighting an illness, blood donation is a generous and vital gift. Your single donation can impact up to THREE Hoosier patient lives!
Appointments are preferred, so please click below to schedule your time now, but know that walk-ins will also be welcomed. Thank you for your donation!
Worship Choir Rehearsal
4:00 PM | Worship Center
The Worship Choir rehearses every Sunday at 4:00 PM on the platform in the Worship Center from now until Easter Sunday, April 20th. The choir will be singing twice a month during The Classic service. We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing and praise the Lord together to join us. Please contact Dean Jones, choir director, with any questions by phone (317-402-6439) or by clicking below.
Made to Thrive
Wednesday, February 12th
11:00 AM | Youth Worship Center
You were made for more than an ordinary life, you were made to thrive! Made to Thrive, Southland's ministry for adults 55+, meets the second Wednesday of each month. Mark your calendar for our next event on Wednesday, February 12th at 11:00 AM in the Youth Worship Center. During our time together, we will:
Hear a devotional.
Sing a few songs.
Share testimonies and encourage each other.
Connect with others while enjoying a meal.
In order to best prepare for everyone, we encourage to register by clicking below or calling the Southland Office (317) 883-8988 by no later than Sunday, February 9th. We look forward to seeing you there!
Still Blessed
Thursday, February 20th
11:30 AM | Room 26
Our widows and widowers are Still Blessed. On the third Thursday of each month we gather for a fun time of fellowship and great food. Join us on Thursday, February 20th as we will be joined by Charlene's Angels who will share with us an inspiring performance. Let Barb McKeel know that you plan to be there by clicking below.
Mexico Mission Trip
One Mission Society
Morelia, Mexico
March 22 - 29, 2025
Join us for a life-changing mission trip to Morelia, Mexico from March 22 - 29, 2025. We will spend time in an area called The Circle of Silence where we will join local churches to share Jesus in a place where less than 2% of the population is Christian..
Trip cost is approximately $2000/person, but first-time participants with Men for Missions can apply for the Yoder Scholarship to receive $150 off.
Click below to sign up on the Mens for Missions site - After hitting "Apply Now", scroll to the trip date and apply (583400, led by J. Dillman). Contact Delaney Griffith HERE with any questions.