Who We Are
Southland's 10 Core Values
Bible Teaching
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and humanity's authority for faith and ethics. As a result, we teach the Bible as the the best resource for spiritual revelation, growth and life enhancement.
We believe all generations make up the body of Christ and can positively impact one another. As a result, we seek to foster interactive relationships between old and young.
We believe all people are loved by God and should be loved by Christians as well. As a result, we seek to introduce all people to the truth of a transformed life through faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe a church should be culturally relevant while maintaining doctrinal purity. As a result, we seek to provide teaching and ministry that connects Biblical truth with contemporary society.
We believe the Christian life should be characterized by integrity, authenticity, character and wholeness. As a result, we seek to equip and empower individuals with the knowledge and experience of spiritual transformation through the filling of the Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus Christ has called every Christian to active participation in local and global evangelism. As a result, we seek to emphasize prayer, faith-promise giving and involvement in mission ministry.
We believe life is best enhanced in personal relationships with other believers. As a result, we seek to provide opportunities for connection through groups, studies, ministries and events.
We believe clergy and paid staff are called to equip all Christians to lead in their area of giftedness. As a result, we seek to develop, train and establish lay leadership of teams that implement ministry strategies.
We believe God has entrusted Christians with resources of time, talent and treasure. Each are to be used for His glory. As a result, we seek to teach the Biblical principle of tithing, spiritual gifts and service to the church.
We believe that everything we do is for the glory of God. As a result, we seek to achieve a quality that reflects a spirit of excellence in everything we do.