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Southland Students Logo

Being and making followers of Jesus Christ, no matter their age.  Our goal is to help your student to take ownership of their own faith.


If you have questions about any of the events on this page, feel free to contact Pastor Nate.



Youth Group Ski and Tubing Retreat

Youth Group
Sunday Night

Sundays | 5:30 - 7:30 PM

All students grades 6th - 12th are invited to join us in the Youth Worship Center each Sunday evening. Before the lesson begins at 6:00 PM, we're usually hanging out, playing games and eating. Pastor Nate and his team share God's word in a relatable way to teens so that they may see the relevancy of scripture in their lives. 


MS & HS Students

 Sundays @ 10:15 AM


Our students from 6th - 12th grade meet in-between services for a time of fellowship and study. Meet us in the Youth Game Room!

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Southland Student Ministries has new events every month! To find out what we are doing next, please follow us on social media or sign up for our email and text updates.

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Each year we ask that our students complete a NEW Southland Liability Form. You only need to complete this once per year, not for every event. Click below for your 2024 form.

Student and parent phone text sign-up
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