Jesus wasn’t just a great preacher to big crowds. He also had meaningful life-changing conversations with individuals. These individuals were a lot like us, curious with many questions and desire for their best life. In this series we will take a look at some of these one-on-one encounters and listen to the wisdom of Christ, applying it to our lives today.
September 12 | Nathanael; The Skeptic | John 1:43-51
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
A lot of people in this world need to be convinced. They feel with their intellect and their instincts. They also come with preconceived notions and the mental and spiritual baggage that comes with these notions. Nathanael was a guy just like that. Full of prejudice and self-importance, Nathanael was about to see all of his ideas turned upside down when he first met Jesus Christ. To prepare, read John 1:43-51
September 19 | Nicodemus; The Insider | John 3:1-21
*Due to a technical issue, we do not have THE CLASSIC for this week.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
We often point out the hypocrisy and arrogance of the religious leaders of the Bible that Jesus encountered. But not all of the scholars and Pharisees were belligerent. Nicodemus could tell there was something unique and powerful about Jesus. So he searched Him out in the dark of night to ask questions that would change the trajectory of his beliefs and his priorities. To prepare, read John 3:1-21.
September 26 | The Woman at the Well; The Outcast | John 1:43-51
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
Confrontation delivered with love, gentleness and honesty can often be well-received. Jesus was known to find the outcasts of society and point out to them a better way of living. It is always clear how important it was to Jesus to communicate how much God valued each one of them. Jesus met a woman whose life was a mess. Yet, with directness and concern, He showed her a better, more fulfilling life. To prepare, read John 4:1-26
October 3 | Martha & Mary; The Mourners | John 11:1-45
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
Mary and Martha had a brother, Lazarus who became terribly sick and ultimately died. They knew Jesus could have healed him, but He arrived too late. In two very important one-on-one conversations, Jesus shows both Mary and Martha who He was and His amazing power over life and death. If you’re looking for courage and comfort, you’ll find it in these face-to-face encounters. To prepare, read John 11:1-45.
October 10 | Peter; The Failure | John 13:31-38; 18:15-18, 25-27; 21:15-19
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
Peter was a confident guy who Jesus planned to use to build His church. Peter made some serious promises to Jesus that he couldn’t keep. After Jesus was crucified, Peter was humiliated and deeply discouraged. After Jesus rose from the dead, Peter would ultimately come face-to-face with the one he denied knowing, just as Jesus predicted. How would Jesus respond to Peter’s failure...and yours? To prepare, read John 13:31-38; 18:15-27 and 21:15-19.
October 17 | Thomas; The Doubter | John 20-24-31
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
Thomas was absent when Jesus first appeared to the disciples after His resurrection. When his friends tried to tell him Jesus was alive, Thomas wasn’t having it. I need evidence for something as remarkable and supernatural as a resurrection was his reaction to the news. Well, Jesus provides it in a face-to-face encounter. With Thomas’ new faith established, Jesus promises his life will be forever embedded on the lives of others throughout history. To prepare, read John 20:24-31.