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Think About It | The Book of Haggai

Think About It | The Book of Haggai

*To VIEW the entire series, click HERE.

In the 6th century B.C., God’s people were returning to their homeland to rebuild the temple for worship. The Lord had important things He wanted them to accomplish. Even more, He had important things for them to think about. The prophet Haggai was called to tell God’s people what important things God wanted them to consider as they rebuilt their homes, their lives and God’s temple. God wants us to think about those same important things today.

March 7 | Think About Your Priorities

*To VIEW this week's sermon, click HERE.

If we are to have impact on our culture, we must first know what we believe and how that belief informs our lives. Then, as we live out our beliefs before the world, we pray they will be drawn to the Lord we worship and serve. When the pressure is great to conform to different standards, our convictions of belief will empower us to continue being the salt of the earth. To prepare, read Titus 1.

March 14| Think About God's Promises

*To VIEW this week's sermon, click HERE.

God not only gave instructions for His people to obey, He included promises as to what would happen if they trusted Him completely. Through Haggai God reminds His people there is blessing that comes to those who revere Him, worship Him and follow His commands. Those promises haven’t changed. To prepare, read Haggai 2:1-9.

March 21| Think About Your Purity

*To VIEW this week's sermon, click HERE.

God tells Haggai to ask the religious leaders of their community about the consequences of failing to follow the purification laws of the faith. He reminds them that their lives will be amazing if they purify their hearts, their governments, their communities and their homes. In these days, we could use Haggai’s messages to remind us God isn’t finished blessing His people if they remain faithful. To prepare, read Haggai 2:10-23.



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