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What Jesus Said About Priorities

We often say, “I don’t have time.”  The truth is, we have plenty of time for the things we make important.  That means we should take inventory of our priorities: the things we give our time, our resources, our energy and our attention.  Jesus laid out four very important priorities for those who want to enjoy a life of following Him.

August 4th | Piety | Matthew 5:6; 6:33

Most people think piety is a word reserved for Monks, Priests, Pastors and Missionaries.  It sounds like something only spiritually arrogant people think about.  But Jesus said everyone who follows Him must make caring for their spirit a priority.  How do I care for my spirit?  What can happen to me if I don’t care for my spirit?  To prepare, read Matthew 5:6 and 6:33.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

August 11th | Compassion | Matthew 25:31-46

If I died today, what would be my legacy? Would people point to what I built in structures, organizations and financial portfolios? Or would they talk about my heart for those who needed my help? How can I move from unconcerned to compassionate so I can change someone's life for the Lord's glory? To prepare, read Matthew 25:31-46.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

August 18th | Generosity | Luke 21:1-4

Jesus offered us a new way of thinking about our wealth and resources. He said, the only things you will keep forever are the things you give away. When we see our stuff and our money as tools to bless others and worship God, we look at budgeting, accumulating and spending in a completely different way. How can I become a truly generous person? To prepare, read Luke 21:1-4.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

August 25th | Self-Preservation | Matthew 10:26-39

If we're honest, many of our decisions are made with the idea of preserving and protecting our property and family. Jesus said if that's all you live for, you're driven by fear instead of worship. If you read everything the Bible records Jesus' saying, you'll find He calls all of us to a life of adventures and opportunities. But before we can enjoy that life, we must be willing to die. To prepare, read Matthew 10:26-39.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.


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