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What Jesus Said: Big Questions Jesus Asks You

We usually think of Jesus as having a lot of answers.  But Jesus also asked a lot of questions.  He wants to make sure we are asking the right questions too.  What questions are you asking…and finding answers to?  Maybe you need to first answer the questions Jesus is asking of you?

October 6th | Who Do You Say I Am? | Matthew 16:13-20

It’s the most important question you will answer in your life: Who is Jesus to you?  Your answer to this question will inform all the other questions you’ll encounter.  Is Jesus just another religious leader, a simple legend or is He the Son of God and the hope of the world?  To prepare, read Matthew 16:13-20.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

October 13th | Who If You Owned Everything But Lost Your Soul? | Matthew 16:21-28

Jesus knows the truth about your real priorities. What is the driving force of your life? Is it influence? Is it more stuff or more wealth? Do you think at all about your spiritual life? What if you obtained everything you're chasing in life and discovered none of it mattered? To prepare, read Matthew 16:21-28.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

October 20th | Why Do You Judge Others And Not Yourself? | Matthew 7:1-6

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to see what's wrong with other people? The truth is, they do have a lot of flaw and failures. The problem is we often forget to look at our own weaknesses while at the same time highlighting the shortfalls of others. How can I an honest look at myself before judging someone else? To prepare, read Matthew 7:1-6.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

October 27th | Why Are You So Afraid? | Mark 4:35-41

What in life scares you? Many studies have shown that people often make important decisions in life based on what they fear. What do you fear? Is there any way to overcome your fears so you can make choices based on purpose, with courage and confidence? To prepare, read Mark 4:35-41.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

November 3rd & 10th | Missions Celebration

November 17th | Why Don't You Understand Me? | John 8:42-47

Jesus asked some very religious people this question, "Why is My language not clear to you?" They just didn't get Him. Sometimes, we don't get Him either. It may not be because we can't understand, rather we won't understand. In others words, are you truly ready to hear what Jesus has to say, or are His teachings asking too much of you? To prepare, read John 8:42-47.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

November 24th | Who Are You Looking For? | John 20:1-18

It's one of the last questions Jesus asked anyone. You're following someone. You're looking for something. You're trying to find meaning and purpose in your life, even if you don't know it. It's a great question that leads you to a great answer for your life. To prepare, read John 20:1-18.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

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