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Wood and Stone| Easter at Southland

Wood and Stone | Easter at Southland

*To VIEW the entire series, click HERE.

The wood of Jesus’ cross and the stone of Jesus’ tomb remind us of the beautiful redemptive work of Easter. The importance of this weekend in history cannot be overstated and must be proclaimed and believed if we want hope beyond this physical earthly life.

March 28 | The Stone of the Tomb is Hope

*To VIEW this week's sermon, click HERE.

Jesus was buried like every other human who dies. But the stone of the tomb was not the end of His mission. When the giant rock was rolled away from the grave’s opening, Jesus walked out alive and eternal hope was secured for all who believe in Him. Now this resurrection

hope informs the way I live. To prepare, read John 19:38-20:31 and Romans 6.

April 2 | The Wood of The Cross is Grace

*To VIEW this week's sermon, click HERE.

While the justice of God requires death for all sin, the grace of God is given to everyone who receives His forgiveness. That grace is offered only because Jesus took the justice of God upon Himself when He was crucified on a wooden cross. How do I receive this amazing grace for myself? To prepare, read John 19:1-37 and Romans 5.

April 4 | The Wood and The Stone Together Is Life

*To VIEW this week's sermon, click HERE.

Neither the wood of the cross nor the stone of the tomb mean anything by themselves. They need each other to accomplish the redemptive work of God. Jesus’ cross and empty tomb offer me an eternal life I could never achieve on my own. The wood and the stone are required for me to experience God’s purpose for Easter and His Holy Spirit empowers me to live a resurrected life. To prepare, read John 21 and Romans 8:1-13.



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