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Southland's Christmas Playlist

We love to sing songs at Christmas, especially songs that teach us God’s purpose for coming to the world. We celebrate through carols that fill our hearts with the “Christmas Spirit.” This year at Southland we will not only sing our Christmas playlist, we’ll talk about the message and what it means to our every day lives. So, you’ll find some old titles but you’ll hear the story that never ages.

November 28th | The Prophets' Song | O Come Emmanuel

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

Psalm 2 is attributed to the Bible’s most prolific songwriter, King David. He not only sings about the anointed kings of Israel, he sings about the One who will come and defeat the enemies of God in the heavenly realms. David joins the prophets to prepare us for our Savior. To prepare for the message, read Psalm 2.

December 5 | The Angels' Song | Hark the Herald Angels Sing

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

The Christmas story is full of angel announcements. Joseph, Mary and the Shepherds all experienced angelic visits. For the Shepherds, an entire angel choir shows up to sing a song of praise. While it probably was an amazing tune, the message of the song makes it epic. To prepare, read Luke 2:8-14.

December 12 | The Shepherds' Song | O Come All Ye Faithful

*To view our Christmas Worship Experience, click HERE.

The Christmas story is full of angel announcements. Joseph, Mary and the Shepherds all experienced angelic visits. For the Shepherds, an entire angel choir shows up to sing a song of praise. While it probably was an amazing tune, the message of the song makes it epic. To prepare, read Luke 2:8-14.

December 19 | Mary's Song | Mary Did You Know

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

After the angel Gabriel informed Mary she is carrying the Savior of the world in her womb, she took a quick trip to meet with Elizabeth. Elizabeth immediately declared the blessing of God was upon Mary, causing Mary to respond with her own song. In her song, she worships the Lord as Savior, King and ruling authority over all creation. To prepare, read Luke 1:46-55

December 24 | Our Song | Joy To The World

To view our Christmas Eve experience, click HERE.

If our songs are to celebrate the true purpose and meaning of Christmas, we have to hear from Jesus Himself. John records a prayer Jesus prayed that references the reasons He came to the world. While our salvation is His primary concern, our joy is the blessing and benefit of that salvation. To prepare, read John 17:1-19.

December 26 | Eternity's Song | He Shall Reign

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

Christmas has happened...Jesus is born! In his announcement to Mary about the birth of the Son of God, Gabriel reminds us that this event is not limited to our space and time. This event ushers in God’s eternal plan for the redemption and purification of all people so that His kingdom will be holy and supreme. Christmas songs declaring the reign of Christ aren’t only for our holiday celebration. We will sing of His glory forever. To prepare, read Luke 1:26-33, Revelation 11:15 and 22:1-6.


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