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What Jesus Said About Life and Death

Jesus said a lot about life and death: His and ours. Easter is all about both. How does Jesus' life and death inform our life and death? What did Jesus tell us about living now and forever?

March 3 | Who Has the Power? | John 5:16-30

Jesus made it clear Who has power over life and death. We don't get to come up with our own rules, morals or metrics for judgement. If God is the Designer and Creator of my life, how does Jesus fit into that reality? As we look toward Easter, what does His death and resurrection have to do with my life now and my eternity? To prepare, read John 5:16-30.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

March 10 | Deny, Take and Follow | Matthew 16:21-28

Jesus said to gain life we have to lose ours. What does that mean? He not only talked about dying to ourselves, He demonstrated it Himself. What does a life of sacrifice look like in the 21st century? To prepare, read Matthew 16:21-28.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

March 17 | Remember Me | Matthew 26:17-30

On the night Jesus was betrayed He me with His disciples to celebrate a Jewish holy day, the Passover. During that meal He explained to them what would happen to Him in order for the world to be made right with God. What does that event say about my life right now? To prepare, read Matthew 26:17-30.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

March 24 | Way, Truth, Life | John 14:1-14

During His final night with His closest followers, Jesus said a lot to prepare them for what they would soon witness and experience. Jesus said He was going away and His disciples would know the way to that place. But Thomas said, "we don't know where you're going or the way." At that moment, Jesus said one of the most important things every human being must know. To prepare, read John 14:1-14

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

March 29 | Good Friday - His Last Words | Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19

Jesus said seven statements while hanging on the cross. Every one of those statements had profound implications for the plan of God to be fulfilled and the human race to be rescued. What do those seven statements have to say to me? To prepare, read: Mark 15, Luke 23 and John 19.

*To view The Good Friday service, click HERE.

March 31 | Easter Sunday- Resurrection and Life | John 11:1-44

This is the day every person who has ever lived can celebrate. Because Jesus rose from the dead, every person can experience resurrection from the dead. Jesus made it clear, we do not need to fear death or the grave because He has conquered both with His bodily resurrection. This is His promise and our hope. To prepare, read John 11:1-44.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.


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