Sometimes we only want to give the minimum. It seems we’re wired to hold on to stuff, even if we don’t need it. Is it possible I find my identity in my accumulated wealth? Maybe it’s time to become a generous giver above and beyond anything I’ve ever done before.
August 7th | Am I A Hoarder?
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
I’ve got stuff...maybe a lot of stuff. Where did it come from? Where am I storing it? Why do I keep it. How could I better use it? It’s always a good time to take inventory of our stuff and ask ourselves how our resources can best be used for God’s kingdom work. Do I have more stuff than I need and can I make that stuff accomplish great things for God? To prepare, read Matthew 6:19-24.
August 14th | Am I Letting God Meet My Needs?
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
When I think of trusting God, I’m reminded of that old phrase, “God helps those who help themselves.” Yet, I won’t find that phrase anywhere in the Bible. So how much am I trusting God to meet my needs and how much am I determining my “needs” by how much I already have? I say I trust Him to provide for me. But, do I have a small view of what God wants to give me in my life? To prepare, read Matthew 6:25-34.
August 21st | Am I Generous?
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
There’s giving and then there’s generous giving. While most people would respect and admire generosity in others, these same people may have difficulty being generous themselves. Why is that? How do I know if I’m a generous person? The Bible teaches us a lot about the amazing experience of generous giving. What do I need to know and what do I need to do to have that experience myself? To prepare, read
2 Corinthians 9 and Exodus 35.
August 28th | Am I Safe or Sacrificial?
*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.
*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.
We all know the value of a nest egg. It’s important to be prepared for the unexpected. But, what if the Lord challenges you to give up something of value to experience ultimate faith in His provision? Would you do it? So I ask myself, “am I safe or sacrificial?” Do I make all my resources available to God to do with them whatever He leads me to do? Or do I keep back what I think I might need to stay safe and give from what I have leftover. To prepare, read Acts 5:1-16.