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He Prays For You

He Prays For You

*To VIEW the entire series on YouTube, click HERE.

Jesus prayed a prayer specifically for His personal friends and followers. He prayed for those who followed Him when He walked the earth. He also prayed for those who would follow Him in generations to come. What did He pray for them...and for you? The truth is, He’s still praying for you right now.


September 6 | To Know God | John 17:1-5


*To VIEW this week's sermon on YouTube, click HERE.

Jesus starts His prayer for His followers with this request, “that they would know Who God is and they would know Who I am.” There is no more important experience in your life than to know God and know Jesus Christ personally. What does that mean? How does that happen? What difference does it make in my life? To prepare, read John 17:1-5.

September 13 | To Know God | John 17:6-12


*To VIEW this week's sermon on YouTube, click HERE.

Jesus knew the danger of following Him. So, He prays for God to keep them safe. His prayer wasn’t for them to be safe from physical harm. His prayer asked God to keep them (and us) safe from doubt and desertion. His prayer was for them to be safe from their ultimate enemy. Again, He didn’t just pray for those who joined Him then. His prayer was for everyone who would trust Him later...even our generation. To prepare, read John 17:6-12.

September 20 | To Be Different | John 17:13-19


*To VIEW this week's sermon on YouTube, click HERE.

Jesus knew the difficulty you would face by being fully devoted to Him. So He prays specifically for you to experience a full cleansing of your spirit so you will stand out to your world as someone who has been changed and made different. Do you seek to be identified by your devotion to Him? Do you desire to be set apart for the mission God has designed for you? To prepare, read John 17:13-19.

September 27 | To Be One | John 17:20-26


*To VIEW this week's sermon on YouTube, click HERE.

If there was (and is) anything that could mess up the mission of Jesus’ followers, it would be division. Jesus knew how hard it would be for people of different backgrounds, opinions and priorities to come together. So, He prayed specifically for God to unify them under one message, one mission and one ministry. He continues to pray that prayer for His followers today, including you. To prepare, read John 17:20-26.


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