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The Generous Life

Generosity will be both the theme for 2022 at Southland AND the specific series for January. We’ll unpack generosity with the series and then show how it is demonstrated in many facets of life throughout the series we share throughout the year.

January 2 | Living A Generous Life

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

Jesus teaches that generosity has no boundaries. It’s more than giving money, although that’s part of it. It’s an attitude that is rooted in love, activated by gratitude and demonstrated by offering yourself to the “least of these,” including the poor, those who don’t deserve it and those God simply puts in your life. This year we will unpack what it means to live a generous life with Jesus Christ as our example. To prepare for the message, read Luke 6.

January 9 | God in 2022 | Nate York

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

Pastor Nate York reminds us how God's faithfulness can see us through 2022, no matter what may come.

January 16 | Living Under His Lordship | Jack McMahon

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

Jack McMahon helps us understand what it means to live under the lordship of God.

January 23 | Generosity is Demonstrated Through the Offering of Yourself

Jesus Christ was the model of generosity. Yet His generosity was demonstrated in ways far beyond financial assistance. He left all of His glory to come to the rescue of a humanity in need. Motivated by love, He poured Himself out. First, by putting on our flesh and coming to earth in the first place. Second, by subjecting Himself to the scrutiny and abuse of the powerfully insecure. Ultimately, He accepted the physical torture and execution to take upon Himself our sins. How can I live with that kind of sacrificial generosity? Is it even possible? To prepare, read Philippians 2: 1-11.

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

January 30 | Generosity is Activated by Gratitude

When we experience the generosity of God and the generosity of others, we feel a deep sense of appreciation. The question is, how grateful am I for all of the generosity poured out upon me? When Paul wrote to his friends in Corinth, he explained that a grateful heart activates a generous spirit. We give out of our sincere appreciation for what we have received. To prepare, read 2 Corinthians 8:1-15.

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

February 6 | Generosity Promises God Will Provide All You Need

Generosity is ultimately discovered in a life of faith. I can be generous because I’m convinced the Lord not only loves me, but will provide everything I need to accomplish His will in my life. That reality empowers me to respond to every need around me with the resources that have been entrusted to me. Do I have a spirit of faith that will energize generosity within me? To prepare, read Philippians 4:10-20.

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.


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