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Torn | Easter 2022

Part of the Easter story is the veil of God’s temple being ripped in two as Jesus died on the cross. This is more than an historical reality. It’s a symbol of what is happening in the world. The truth is, the torn veil is actually a very good thing. How can we repair what’s torn in our lives with the torn veil of the crucifixion and resurrection story?

March 27th | Outside Looking In | Exodus 26:31-35; Hebrews 9:1-10

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

Our lives can be torn by broken relationships, stressful jobs, moral failures or personal illness. The world is suffering and it impacts all of us. From the very beginning of humanity pain and violence have plagued us. Where is God in all of this? It seems we’re all on the outside looking in on His plan. To prepare, read Exodus 26 and Hebrews 9.

April 3 | God Makes A Way | Hebrews 9:11-28

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

Being separated from God by my failures and sin is not a fun thing. Fortunately, God has made a way to reconcile us to His design and His blessing. It’s what the torn veil reveals: where we were once kept away from His holiness, He has now opened up our access to Him through Jesus. How does this work and how does it help me? To prepare, read Hebrews 9 again.

April 10 | Enter The Savior | Mark 11:1-11; Hebrews 10:1-18

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

To start off the last week of His earthly life, Jesus entered the holy city, Jerusalem riding on a donkey to the shouts of praise from a lot of people. They said some prophetic and poetic things about Him that help us understand Him better. Why did Jesus matter then and why does He matter to me now? How is this whole event leading to a torn veil and my salvation? To prepare, read Mark 11 and Hebrews 10.

April 17 | Death is Defeated | Matthew 27-28 and Hebrews 13:20-21

*To view THE CLASSIC service, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL service, click HERE.

It all makes sense now...death is defeated on earth and in my life by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The torn veil and the empty tomb declare that no one has to experience darkness and despair for eternity. There is absolute hope and life in gift of Jesus’ death and resurrection because now the veil is torn and I can have safe and welcomed access to God. What a day to celebrate! To prepare, read Matthew 27-28 and Hebrews 13:20-21.

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